Category Archives: Uncategorized
Better Writing Boot Camp — Session 1: Keeping Sentences Short
Word Crimes?
Reflecting on Reflexive Pronouns
PLAIN Language International’s Upcoming Conference
The Benefits of Hearing Your Text Read Aloud
For large documents, I use Word’s Speech feature to have the computer read the article back. This allows me to catch errors I have missed – especially missing words or words that ’sort of sound the same’ but are spelled differently (e.g. Front me instead of ‘From me’).”
Speaking my language
About 100 millimetres (four inches) of rain fell during the storm that struck during the evening commute on July 8. It is the heaviest one-day rainfall recorded in Toronto.
The different meanings of shall
The Comma that Opened Airspace?
Personally, I think the confusion is attributable to the comma after “invest’ and the comma after “companies”. In any event, I think much of the confusion could have been avoided by application of the plain language principle of using short, clear sentences rather than long, comma-filled passages. What do you think?
One set of eyes just isn’t enough!
Talk about life’s lessons…
I sent out an announcement to clients this morning about some seminars I’m launching and — wouldn’t you know it — the announcement had a typo. Instead of Plain Language, I typed: Plan Language. Of course the spell checker didn’t flag that because “plan” is a perfectly fine word, as far as the spell check program is concerned!
Well, nothing I can do about it now other than use this as a “teachable moment” and a chance to remind everyone that if it’s something important you’re putting out — it’s always best to ask someone else to proofread it before you send it. I know, finding someone to proof something isn’t always easy, especially if you fly solo, like I do. But, live and learn… (and try to find someone next time!)