Clear writing is a critical skill for professionals. More and more employers are proactively encouraging their employees to invest time and energy in improving their writing skills and many have hired us to help. We provide writing seminars, workshops, webinars, and one-on-one coaching.
We have a number of seminars and workshops designed to help people improve their business writing. We have a few brochures describing specific seminars and webinars we offer. For a copy of a specific brochure, click on the name:
Our skill-building seminars and workshops vary in length – anywhere from 45-90 minute “Lunch & Learn”-type sessions to half and full-day seminars. Here are some of the more popular topics we cover:
- Crafting Vertical Lists (bullet lists by any other name) – We’ve all tried to make sense of poorly drafted vertical lists. Though bullet lists are very popular, most people never learn how to properly craft them. We look at the elements of vertical lists and rules to follow when writing them, as well as when it makes sense to use them and when it doesn’t.
- E-mail Best Practices – Believe it or not, there are best practices for using e-mail.
- Executive Summaries – Executive Summaries are not just for execs any more – they’re useful for many types of writing. We share our rules of thumb for creating useful summaries.
- Making Your Writing More Concise – In this session we show you simple techniques for trimming your writing by 10 – 20% without sacrificing information.
- Managing the “Writing by Committee” Process – For better or worse, a fair bit of business writing is done by committee. We offer tips for managing the process and for improving the final product.
- Beyond PowerPoint – PowerPoint is a useful tool but there’s more to putting together a good presentation than just cutting and pasting text onto slides. We explore different types of presentations and consider how to make best use of PowerPoint.
- Using Ordinary Words – This session helps you return from the land of business-speak, where people “advise” customers and clients of things, rather than tell them things, and where staff “elect” their benefits rather than “choose” them. We talk about the virtue of ordinary words and the danger of using jargon.
Upcoming Webinars
No Webinars are currently scheduled.
If you’re interested in having us customize a seminar for your company, professional organization, or association, please contact us.
One-on-One Coaching
Click HERE for information on our one-on-one coaching.
© 2020 Good with Words